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And They Devoted Themselves…

Jesus said to Peter that He was “building His church” (Matthew 16:18). At Crossover Global we are “partnering” with Jesus, believing the most affective and effective way to provide Gospel-access to unreached people groups is through church planting.

We are excited to report that as of March 2020 we have planted 2,222 churches as we diligently seek to honor God by planting churches among unreached people groups. We are often asked, “How does Crossover Global define a church?” This is a great question since we measure our Kingdom impact by the number of churches planted.

In the book of Acts we learn that right after Christ left the earth, the disciples started meeting with each other in groups as “And they devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers” (Acts 2:42) At Crossover Global, we believe a church is a group of believers intentionally practicing Acts 2:42 for the glory of God in their community and among the nations.

As an organic fellowship, a church grows through identifiable stages, from dependence upon others toward independence. During this journey it is our hope that the church will become more organized, stable, and influential in its community, resulting in a church that is capable of multiplying itself through the planting of more churches.



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